Kim Daigneault

Office: 919.825.3473
Fax: 919.876.5737
Cell: 607.592.0793

email me

Yes, I am another northern transplant to the state, but can you blame me! I was born in Ithaca, NY one of the cloudiest and coldest places in the country. When I turned 18, I moved to New Orleans to study design and never really looked back.

I have been in marketing and advertising for ten years helping clients build the best versions of themselves. Born a creative, I live in a world of textures, colors, and typography, but it’s a highly organized one. So, structured in fact that I find the process as rewarding as the outcome.

My favorite time of the year is when I’m traveling. But most of the time I’m a homebody hanging around the house cooking, cleaning and enjoying my space with my husband, Josh.

Fun Facts

  • I was my high school mascot

  • I’ve been to the Angola prison rodeo twice

  • I’ve visited Picasso house

  • I make the best meatloaf

  • I like to Jazzercise