My name is Max and I’m an ’04 Peek-A-Poo…no Shitz! I was born with a liter of 8 and was the last one left when I was introduced to Donna and Jake. I won them over almost immediately with my calm demeanor, and while they may have looked at my competition, it was a no brainer to pick me. All I had to do was look cute and wag my tail. This is what I do when potential clients come in, and it’s the same effect. They brought me home and I was so happy they have two boys and a girl who love me like crazy!
I lead a pretty fantastic life. I go everywhere with my family and feel very lucky to have them. I have traveled from Miami, Florida to Niagra Falls, Canada, and all points up and down the east coast. They consistently sneak me into hotels!
I enjoy working at Zig Zibit every day...they pay me in treats and I get quite a few throughout the day, while maintaining this fine physique. My best work is done as the company greeter, and I love when clients come in to visit where I can give them the tour and do that thing with my tail.
Key Account Manager